Software Engineer - Simplifies tech to help others

Goodbye WordPress, Hello Ghost

Explore my transition from a custom WordPress site to Ghost for easier blogging. Learn how this migration simplified my content creation process, from frustrating HTML struggles to effortless writing and theme changes.

Today, I wrapped up the migration of everything from my old website,, to this new platform. The old site now redirects visitors here, marking a fresh start for my content.

While I appreciated the look of my previous website, the process of writing and publishing posts was a real challenge. Built on WordPress with a custom theme and Elementor, even a quick blogpost or thought could take me hours to write. Formatting issues and semantic HTML struggles made the experience frustrating. I often found myself discouraged, facing a mountain of technical hurdles instead of focusing on what I love: creating content.

Discovering Ghost

After much thought, I decided to try something different, and that’s when I found Ghost. Let me tell you, it has been a game-changer for me. Here’s why I’m so happy with this decision:

  • Easier Writing: While it’s not a full WYSIWYG editor, Ghost is much closer to what I need. Writing feels more natural now, allowing me to focus on my thoughts without getting bogged down by technical issues.
  • One-Click Export: If I ever want to move my content again, I can do it with just one click. That peace of mind is priceless!
  • Changing Themes Made Simple: I can now switch themes without any hassle, which means I can play around with the look of my site whenever I want.
  • TypeScript Over PHP: For my fellow tech enthusiasts, I can finally use TypeScript to tweak my theme instead of PHP. It feels much more in tune with what I enjoy.

This transition has brought back my love for creating content. Ghost makes it easy for me to share my thoughts and ideas without the stress of technical hurdles.

Looking Ahead

I’m really looking forward to what’s next. With this new setup, I can dive back into writing without the frustration that held me back before. I appreciate your support as I make this change, and I’m excited to share more of my thoughts and experiences with you in the future.

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